Sunday, September 27, 2009

Braye bersame ahli2 akatblues

Raye Datang lagi...hahaha....

ni sesi beraye di rumah edi....tmpt berkumpul dlu sblm menyerang rumah2 lain

sapik duk wak mende la tu....hahaha

taun ni spesel skit....ahli plng jao blajo blk malaysia...(yg pakai spek tu....single lagi hahaha)

dh sudah mkan tp amir xsapa2 lagi....haizzz...

gambar2 selebihnya boleh dilihat disini


jgn lupe add....hahaha

Sunday, June 28, 2009

tiga jejake duk posing....^^,

amir duk klebek henset

tu stadium runtuh...napok?
ni la tanjung

duk menikmati pemandangan kat tanjung

taken 6/6/2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009


aku seorang remaja yang inginkan
hidup aku gembira selamanya
aku mahu hidupku begitu
namun semua itu hanya khayalan

usia remaja indah tak terkata
kawan,cinta kenangan bersama
aku belajar mengenali dunia
bersama kita mengejar impian

alangkah indah hidupku ini
bersama teman yang sudi mengerti
suka dan duka kita harungi
mencari erti hidup ini

weh, kpd sume ahli akatblues.. aku harap lagu ni akan menjadi lagu kita semua.. bereh? haha..

Friday, May 1, 2009


Server ke empat Travian Malaysia iaitu akan bermula pada hari Isnin bersamaan 4 Mei 2009 jam 00.01.

Pra-pendafaran boleh dibuat bermula pada hari Jumaat bersamaan 1 Mei 2009.

my4 akan dikemaskinikan ke T3.5 apabila T3.5 bersedia dilancarkan.

Terima Kasih!!

wawawa server travian yg baru... jom3 kepada peminat2 sekalin.. jom join (di tuju khas kepada zarx and voxz) jom kembalikan kegemilangan eternalz clan..

Sunday, April 26, 2009


muahahaha ...
ayat rumate ak kat blog dia..
mane x nye kalau dia gi sunway hari ni..
tp sorry ye rumate, x kejut ko awal2.. ak pun bgn lambat gak
(xde la lambat sgt, kul 7 okay)
tp dia sempat jugak naik bas.. so no hal la..
as a result aku sorang2 kat bilik..
bosan2 camni la baru post blog wakaka
dia syok2 bermain di sana
aku lak tgh struggle di sini
dis week ade 3 test,1 quiz, 1 presentation(slide x wat agi) and 3 days of event.
semua berlaku dlm mase 4 ari..tidakkk
foregner ni pun satu.. ade ke gi mtk wat test fluid ari rabu..
ari rabu dah ade test dynamic, quiz CM and main event ak la..waaa bz2,,
rupenye dorang x tau yg test dynamic ade ari rabu.. camne la dorang leh tertinggal maklumat
baru la dorang cuak.
namun, anggap je la traning final , sebab final pun fluid and dynamic dlm satu hari ..
lepas tu ade gap seminggu utk nex paper,, epi~~

btw selamat dtg ke blog MNAfile.. haha..

Saturday, April 25, 2009

free download site- heatCkeers

this is my first time here... :)

let's see few download site that i know.. the free and maybe the fast one.. haha...
to make it faster... try install Internet Download Manager software first.. :)
there you can find a lot of stuff... range from movies to 'ceramah agama' hehe..
others is...
here you can also find alot of things... you can also enter the world of cracking and hacking... haha.. but they usually use rapidshare here... but.. they also got mediafire.. and if you lucky.. you may find your dream software free of charge... crack of course... :)
now.. we are going to go to movies download site...
one word... wow...... they got a lot of movies... haha.....
here you can find an old time song... also got the latest one... most important thing... MEDIAFIRE..... haha..
they say that you can download games here... try it... :)

this link may help those who are poor.. if you have extra money...
you can by it..
they said.. the original are the best right..
okayp.. that's all from me..
tata.. see ya later... hope you enjoy..